Code of Conduct
for everyone engaged in activities with minors on behalf of the Prelature of Opus DeiA. REQUIRED BEHAVIOUR
In apostolic initiatives that include minors, priority should be given to safeguarding them. Accordingly, in all such activities, the faithful of the Prelature and their collaborators must:
be adequately conversant with the Prelature Safeguarding Policy ("this Policy") and the relevant Local Safeguarding Policy,
be aware of their responsibility for the safety of all children in their care,
report to those in charge any potentially dangerous behaviour they might notice,
be a positive role model for minors,
be prudent and respectful in dealing with minors, and treat all children equally,
foster a culture of openness, honesty and safety, where children have permission to tell and to talk about any concerns or worries that they may have,
help children to know what they can do if they have a problem,
respect each child’s boundaries and support them to develop their own understanding and sense of their rights,
inform parents or guardians about the activities they intend to carry out and the procedures to be adopted,
exercise the necessary prudence in communicating with minors, including by telephone and on social media,
always be visible to other adults when in the presence of minors,
avoid any inappropriate, ambiguous or unnecessary physical or verbal contact, such as signs of affection, kisses or hugs which are imprudent, unjustified or capable of misinterpretation,
carry out activities in rooms suited to the age and stage of development of the minors, taking special care to ensure, as far possible, that minors do not enter or remain in places hidden from view or without supervision.
Faithful of the Prelature – and those admitted as collaborators in apostolic initiatives of the Prelature in which minors or vulnerable adults take part – are strictly forbidden:
to inflict corporal punishment of any kind,
to establish a preferential relationship with any of the persons covered by this Policy,
to leave any such person in a situation which is potentially dangerous to his or her physical or mental safety,
to address them in an offensive manner,
to conduct themselves in a manner or participate in behaviour which is inappropriate or sexually suggestive,
to discriminate against any individual or group of persons covered by this Policy,
to ask any such person to keep a secret,
to make gifts directly to any person covered by this Policy which discriminates against the rest of the group,
to transport any such person in a vehicle, except in the company of others,
to photograph or film any of the persons covered by this Policy without the written consent of their parents or guardians, where applicable,
to publish or disseminate via the internet or on social networks, without the consent of the parents – or guardians where applicable – images in which any of the persons covered by this Policy can be recognized,
to contact any such person, including by phone or social media, without the consent of the parents or guardians,
act in any way that may be abusive or may place a child at risk of abuse,
use language, make suggestions or offer advice that is inappropriate, offensive or abusive,
do things for a child of a personal nature that they can do themselves,
watch or supervise a child undressing or assist a child undressing,
condone or participate in behaviour that is illegal, unsafe or abusive,
act in any way that is intended to intimidate, shame, humiliate, belittle or degrade,
engage in discriminatory behaviour or language in relation to race, culture, age, gender, disability, religion, sexual orientation or political views,
consume alcohol, tobacco or illegal drugs while having responsibility for or in the presence of children/young people.
The following internet behaviours are unacceptable and must be avoided in every situation:
Visiting internet sites that contain offensive, obscene, pornographic or illegal material,
Using a computer to perpetrate any form of fraud or piracy,
Using the internet or email systems to send offensive and harassing material to others,
Using obscene or racist language in computer-assisted communications,
Publishing defamatory or otherwise false material generated by oneself or by others through social networking,
Introducing any form of malicious software into the used network,
Intentionally damaging any information communication technology equipment,
Using another user’s password or giving that password to a third party.
In general, it is inappropriate to:
Take children away or to your own home, especially where they will be alone with you,
Involve children in one-to-one contact; activities should usually be supervised by at least two adults (see LSP Article 46). However, there may be two circumstances where this may occur:
In a reactive situation, for example when a young person requests a one-to-one meeting with you without warning, or where a young person has had to be removed from a group as part of a code of behaviour;
As part of a planned structured piece of work (for example one-to-one music tuition).
I have read the above Code of Conduct and I AGREE to observe and uphold it in all the activities of the Prelature.
First and last name:
Male 🔲 Female 🔲
WITNESSED by Director or Leader of Activity:
First and last name:
Male 🔲 Female 🔲