Appendices to LSP-I

The 7 Appendices to the Local Safeguarding Policy - Ireland deal with canonical processes, contacts, roles and other matters of detail

Appendix 1 - Safeguarding Roles

Safeguarding Coordinator

A. Prevention, Training & Communication

B. Response & Management

C. Auditing & Reporting

Advisory Committee

PART A : Prelature Safeguarding Policy (PSP)

Article 207

PART B : Regional Safeguarding Policy (RSP)

Article 208

PART C : Local Safeguarding Policy – Ireland (LSP-I)

C-I. Ecclesiastical

Article 209   |  Article 210

NBSCCCI Roles in Child Safeguarding

Article 211  |  Article 212  |  Article 213  |  Article 214  |  Article 215  |  Article 216  |  Article 217  |  Article 218  |  Article 219  |  Article 220  |  Article 221  |  Article 222  |  Article 223  |  Article 224

C-II. Civil (Republic of Ireland)

Article 225

C-III. Civil (Northern Ireland)

Appendix 3 - Data Protection

PART A : Prelature Safeguarding Policy (PSP)

Article 252.

PART B : Regional Safeguarding Policy (RSP)

Article 253.

PART C : Local Safeguarding Policy – Ireland

C-I. Ecclesiastical

Article 254 (NBSCCCI Guidance Apx B)  |  Article 255. (NBSCCCI Guidance Apx B)  |  Article 256 (NBSCCCI Guidance Apx B)  |  Article 257 (NBSCCCI Guidance Apx B)  |  Article 258 (NBSCCCI Guidance Apx B)

C-II. Civil (Republic of Ireland)

Article 259 (DPC Guide: Data Protection Basics)

C-III. Civil (Northern Ireland)

Article 260  |  Article 261.

PART A : Prelature Safeguarding Policy (PSP)

Art. 262. (PSP Art. 3)

PART B : Regional Safeguarding Policy (RSP)

Art. 263. (RSP Appendix IA)

PART C : Local Safeguarding Policy – Ireland

C-I. Ecclesiastical

Art. 264

C-II. Civil (Republic of Ireland)

Art. 265 (RSP Apx IA)  |  Art. 266 (RSP Apx IA)  |  Art. 267 (RSP Apx IA)

C-III. Civil (Northern Ireland)

Art. 268 (RSP Apx IA)  |  Art. 269 (RSP Apx IA)  |  Art. 270 (RSP Apx IA)