Local Safeguarding Policies

The Prelate of Opus Dei has issued a Prelature Safeguarding Policy (PSP) which contains the general norms and principles applicable in every part of his international jurisdiction.

The Regional Safeguarding Policy (RSP) issued by the Vicar in each Region of the Prelature, is the adaption to the circumstances of his jurisdiction of additional safeguarding provisions outlined by the Prelate in a global policy model.

The North-West Europe (NWE) region of the Prelature of Opus Dei comprises nine civil jurisdictions, covered by five Episcopal Conferences. Accordingly, the NWE Regional Vicar has also issued a Local Safeguarding Policy (LSP), incorporating the provisions of the PSP and the RSP, for each of four areas of the NWE region:

The Regional Safeguarding Policy also includes a Checklist of Safeguarding Standards to be met in external civil entities with which the Prelature collaborates in activities which include Christian formation for minors.

Main Policy Sections

Seven Standards

The main policy sections of each LSP address the seven safeguarding standards for which the Region is responsible:

Section 1 PREVENTION of harm

Section 2 RESPONSE to concerns

Section 3 COMPLAINANT care

Section 4 RESPONDENT procedures

Section 5 TRAINING of personnel

Section 6 COMMUNICATION of policies

Section 7 AUDITING of compliance

Seven Safeguarding Standards

Based on the Seven Standards of the NBSCCCI Policy