LSP-I | Tables of Contents



PART A: Prelature Safeguarding Policy (PSP)

Art. 1 (PSP Art. 1)  |  Art. 2 (PSP Art. 2)  |  Art. 3 (PSP Art. 4)  |  Art. 4 (PSP Art. 5)  |  Art. 5 (PSP Art. 6)  |  Art. 6 (PSP Art. 27)   

PART B: Regional Safeguarding Policy (RSP)

Art. 7 (RSP Art. 1) 

Art. 8 (RSP Art. 2)  |  Art. 9 (RSP Art. 3)

PART C: Local Safeguarding Policy – Ireland

Art. 10 | The Safeguarding Children Policy Standards | Applicable Criteria - Table 2

Art. 11 | Standard: Leadership, Governance and Accountability

Art. 12 | Standard: Nurturing a Culture of Safeguarding

Art. 13 | Standard: Responding Pastorally and Reporting according to Civil and Canon Law

Art. 14 | Commitment by the Church Authority

Art. 15  |  National Child Welfare Policy (RoI)

Art. 16 |  Art.  16 | Child Welfare Legislation (NI)

Section 1 | Prevention

Section 1 – PREVENTION

PART A: Prelature Safeguarding Policy (PSP)

Art. 17 (PSP Art. 7)  |  Art. 18 PSP Art. 8)  |  Art. 19 (PSP Art. 9)

Art. 20 (PSP Art. 11)  |  Art. 21 (PSP Art. 12)  |  Art. 22 (PSP Art. 13)  |  Art. 23 (PSP Art. 14)

PART B: Regional Safeguarding Policy (RSP)

Art. 24. (RSP Art. 12)  |  Art. 25 (RSP Art. 13)

Art. 26 (RSP Art. 14)  |  Art. 27 (RSP Art. 15)  |  Art. 28 (RSP Art. 16)  |  Art. 29 (RSP Art. 17)

PART C: Local Safeguarding Policy – Ireland

Art. 30 | Safe Recruitment Procedures

Art. 31 | Templates for Safe Recruitment Procedures

Art. 32 | Vetting

Art. 33 | Visitors engaging in Work with Minors

Art. 34 | Priests ministering with minors abroad

Art. 35 | Lay Persons engaging in Work with Minors

Art. 36 | Overview of Documentation Required for Visitors

Art. 37 | Retired Clergy

Art. 38 | Codes of Behaviour for Adults

Art. 39 | Public Worship by Known Respondents

Art. 40 | Creating a Code of Behaviour with Childre

Art. 41 | Breaches of Codes of Behaviour for Children and Adults

Art. 42 | Measures against Bullying

Art. 43 | Boundary Violations

Art. 44 | Safe Care for Children 

Art. 45 | Dealing with Accidents

Art. 46 | Adequate Supervision Ratios

Art. 47 | One-to-One Contact with Minors

Art. 48 | Sacrament of Reconciliation

Art. 49 | Children with Specific Needs

Art. 50 | Trips Away with Young People

Art. 51 | Relations with Civil Entities and Lay Apostolates

Art. 53 | Whistleblowing

Art. 54 | Other Safeguarding Concerns (not Allegations of Abuse)

Art. 55 | Hazard Assessment of Activities with Children

Art. 56 | Use of Technology

Art. 57 | Use of the Internet

Art. 58 | Use of Texting and Email

Art. 59 | Use of Photography

Art. 60 | Use of CCTV and Webcams

Art. 61 | Priests in an External Organisation must follow effective Safeguarding Practice

Art. 62 | International Child Safeguarding Policy and Procedures

Art. 63 | International Code of Behaviour

Art. 64 | Cooperation with International Entities

Art. 65 | National Child Safeguarding Policy (RoI)

Art. 66 | Mandatory Civil Reporting (RoI)

Art. 67 | National Vetting Bureau  (RoI)

Art. 68 | Data Protection (GDPR)

Art. 69 | Activities with Minors (NI)

Art. 70 | Safeguarding Agencies (NI)

Art. 71 | Data Protection (UK-GDPR)

Section 2 | Response

Section 1 – RESPONSE

PART A: Prelature Safeguarding Policy (PSP)

Art. 72. (PSP Art. 17)  |  Art. 73. (PSP Art. 19) 

Art. 74. (PSP Art. 20)  |  Art. 75. (PSP Art. 24)

PART B: Regional Safeguarding Policy (RSP)

Art. 76. (RSP Art. 22)  |  Art. 77. (RSP Art. 5)  |  Art. 78. (RSP Art. 6)  |  Art. 79. (RSP Art. 7)

Art. 80. (RSP Art. 8)  |  Art. 81. (RSP Art. 9)  |  Art. 82. (RSP Art. 10)  |  Art. 83. (RSP Art. 11)

Art. 84. (RSP Art. 23)  |  Art. 85. (cf. RSP Appendix IV)  |  Art. 86. (RSP Art. 24)  |  Art. 87. (RSP Art. 25)  |  Art. 88. (RSP Art. 26)  |  Art. 89. (RSP Art. 27)  |  Art. 90. (RSP Art. 28)  |  Art. 91. (RSP Art. 29)  |  Art. 92. (RSP Art. 30)  |  Art. 93. (RSP Art. 31)

Art. 94. (cf. RSP Art. 32)  |  Art. 95. (cf. RSP Art. 33)  |  Art. 96. (RSP Art. 18)  |  Art. 97. (RSP Art. 19)  |  Art. 98. (RSP Art. 20)  |  Art. 99. (cf. RSP Art. 34)  |  Art. 100. (cf. RSP Art. 35)  |  Art. 101. (cf. RSP Art. 36)  |  Art. 102. (cf. RSP Art. 37)  |  Art. 103. (cf. RSP Art. 38)  |  Art. 104. (cf. RSP Art. 39)

PART C: Local Safeguarding Policy – Ireland

C-I Ecclesiastical

Art. 105. | Reporting allegations of abuse

Art. 106. | Referral to statutory authorities and other bodies

Art. 107. | Reception of Complaints (Ireland)

Art. 108. | Making a Safeguarding Report

Art. 109. | Recording an Allegation

Art. 110. | Responding to an Adult Making an Allegation of Abuse

Art. 111. | Responding to a Child Making an Allegation of Abuse

Art. 112. | Responding to an Anonymous Allegation of Abuse

Art. 113. | Responding to Someone who Admits to Abusing a Child

Art. 114. | Responding to an Allegation that does not Relate to Church Personnel

Art. 115. | Child Safeguarding and the Sacrament of Reconciliation

Art. 116. | Complainant Dissatisfied with Response by Church Authority

Art. 117. | Managing Child Protection Concerns about Bishops or Equivalent Church Authorities (see also Art. 122)

Art. 118. | Cross-Referencing Safeguarding Policies

Art. 119. | Allegations of Child Abuse Against Lay Church Personnel

Art. 120. | Mandated Persons (RoI)

Art. 121. | Allegations against a Deceased Person

Art. 122. | Managing Child Protection Concerns, Acts or Omissions of Church Authorities not included in Art. 117.

Art. 123. | Managing Allegations that a Cleric has Abused a Child through Child Pornography

Art. 124. | Protection for Persons Submitting a Report

Art. 125. | Allegation Against a Cleric Ministering in Another Jurisdiction

Art. 126. | Actions or Omissions by Bishops intended to Interfere with a Criminal or Canonical Investigation against a Cleric regarding the Delicts Against the Sixth Commandment

Art. 127. | Disclosures in the Internal Forum

Art. 128. | Liaison with Statutory Authorities

Art. 129. | Case Management Records

Art. 130. | Case Management Templates

Art. 131. | Complainants' Access to Records Held by a Church Body

Art. 132. | Respondents' Access to Records Held by a Church Body

Art. 133. | Information Sharing

C-II Civil (Republic of Ireland)

Art. 134.

C-III Civil (Northern Ireland)

Art. 135.

Section 3 | Complainant


PART A: Prelature Safeguarding Policy (PSP)

Art. 136 (PSP Art. 15)  |  Art. 137 (PSP Art. 16)

PART B: Regional Safeguarding Policy (RSP)

Art. 138 (RSP Art. 58)  |  Art. 139 (RSP Art. 59)  |  Art. 140 (RSP Art. 60)  |  Art. 141 (RSP Art. 63)  |  Art. 142 (RSP Art. 64)

PART C: Local Safeguarding Policy – Ireland

C-I Ecclesiastical

Art. 143  |  Art. 144  |  Art. 145  |  Art. 146  |  Art. 147

Part C: Civil - Republic of Ireland

Part C: Civil – Northern Ireland

PART A: Prelature Safeguarding Policy (PSP)

PART B: Regional Safeguarding Policy (RSP)

PART C: Local Safeguarding Policy – Ireland

C-I Ecclesiastical

C-II Civil (Republic of Ireland)

C-III Civil (Northern Ireland)

Section 4 | Respondent

Section 4 – RESPONDENT

PART A: Prelature Safeguarding Policy (PSP)

Article 148. (PSP Art. 18)  |  Art. 149. (PSP Art. 26)

PART B: Regional Safeguarding Policy (RSP)

Art. 150. (RSP Art. 61)  |  Art. 151. (RSP Art. 62)

Art. 152. (RSP Art. 65)  |  Art. 153. (RSP Art. 66)  |  Art. 154. (RSP Art. 67)

Art. 155. (RSP Appendix III)

PART C: Local Safeguarding Policy – Ireland

C-I Ecclesiastical

Art. 156 | Care and Management of the Respondent

Art. 157 | Appropriate Personnel - Advisor

Art. 158 | Appropriate Personnel - Advisor

Art. 159 | Informing the Respondent (Cleric) that an Allegation has been Received and Consideration of an Interim Management Plan

Art. 160 | Risk Assessment for Cleric to produce an Interim Management Plan

Art. 161 | Leave from Sacred Ministry

Art. 162 | Supports to Parishes and Others Affected When a Priest has Taken Leave from Sacred Ministry

Art. 163 | Support to the Family Members of Respondents

Art. 164 | Church Process Regarding Allegations Against Deceased Clerics

Art. 165 | Process for Clerics Following the Conclusion of Any Investigation by the Statutory Authorities

Art. 166 | When Preliminary Investigation Finds there is NO Case to Answer or that the Allegation is Manifestly False or Frivolous (Return to Ministry)

Art. 167 | When Preliminary Investigation Finds there IS a Case to Answer and that the Allegation is Not Manifestly False or Frivolous Against a Cleric

Art. 168 | Process for Non-Ordained Religious following the Conclusion of any Investigation by the Statutory Authorities

Art. 169 | Funerals of Clerics against whom there is a Case to Answer

Art. 170 | Hospitalisation of Clerics against whom there is a Case to Answer

Art. 171 | Penal processes outlined in the Vademecum on Certain Points of Procedure in Cases of Sexual Abuse of Minors Committed by Clerics

Art. 172 | Monitoring of Clerics Following the Conclusion of the Canonical Investigation

Art. 173 | Clinical Risk Assessments

Art. 174 | Accommodating Clerics who Remain the Responsibility of a Different Church Authority

Art. 175 | Monitoring Clerics at the Request of Another Church Authority

C-II Civil (Republic of Ireland)

C-III Civil (Northern Ireland)

Section 5 | Training

Section 5 – TRAINING

PART A: Prelature Safeguarding Policy (PSP)

Article 176. (PSP Art. 10)

PART B: Regional Safeguarding Policy (RSP)

Art. 177. (RSP Art. 21)

PART C: Local Safeguarding Policy – Ireland

C-I Ecclesiastical

Art. 178 | Training and support

Art. 179 | Induction Process for All Involved in the Church

Art. 180 | Carrying out a Training Needs Analysis

Art. 181 | Delivery of Basic Safeguarding Awareness

Art. 182 | Role-Specific Training for Church Personnel

Art. 183 | Raising Awareness of Child Safeguarding with Children and their Parents / Guardians in the Church

Art. 184 | Support and Supervision

Art. 185 | Safeguarding Plan

C-II Civil (Republic of Ireland)

Art. 186 | Mandated Persons Training

C-III Civil (Northern Ireland)

Art. 187 | AccessNI Guides

Section 6 | Communication


PART A: Prelature Safeguarding Policy (PSP)

[No Part A provisions in this Section] 

PART B: Regional Safeguarding Policy (RSP)

[No Part B provisions in this Section] 

PART C: Local Safeguarding Policy – Ireland

C-I Ecclesiastical

Art. 188 | Communicating the Church's Safeguarding message

Art. 189 | Developing a Communications Plan

Art. 190 |  Ensuring that Information Regarding the Church’s Child Safeguarding Message is Accessible

Art. 191.| Creating User-Friendly Versions of the Child Safeguarding Policy

Art. 192 | Creating a Child Safeguarding Newsletter

Art. 193 | Developing a Child Safeguarding Statement (Republic of Ireland)

Art. 194 | Communicating Appropriately to those whose First Language is not English

C-II Civil (Republic of Ireland)

Art. 195 | Child Safeguarding Statement | Download Statement

C-III Civil (Northern Ireland)

[No Part C-III provisions in this Section]

Section 7 | Audit

Section 7 – AUDITING

PART A: Prelature Safeguarding Policy (PSP)

[No Part A provisions in this Section]

PART B: Regional Safeguarding Policy (RSP)

[No Part B provisions in this Section]

PART C: Local Safeguarding Policy – Ireland

C-I Ecclesiastical

Art. 196 | Quality assuring compliance

Art. 197 | Ensuring Compliance with Standards at Local Level

Art. 198 | Compliance Visits by the Church Authority

Art. 199 | Local Safeguarding Audit

Art. 200 | Annual Report by DLP to the Church Authority

Art. 201 | Safeguarding Handover and Induction of a New Church Authority or DLP

Art. 202 | Actions or Omissions by Bishops and their Equivalents Regarding the Delicts Against the Sixth Commandment 

Art. 203 | Developing a Three-Year Child Safeguarding Plan

Art. 204 | Crisis Management

Art. 205 | Serious Incident Reviews

C-II Civil (Republic of Ireland)

[No Part C-II provisions in this Section]

C-III Civil (Northern Ireland)

[No Part C-III provisions in this Section]