Making a Safeguarding Report

This is a structured template for a Confidential Report to raise a concern about a possible sexual abuse or misconduct in activities of the Prelature of Opus Dei in the Region of North-West Europe (Great Britain, Ireland, The Netherlands, Scandinavia).  

A copy of the template for a written report can be downloaded as a Word document for editing. The content of the template is shown below. It is not necessary to have all the information requested before submitting a report. Please submit the completed report by email to the Safeguarding Coordinator.

If you prefer, you may also provide the equivalent information online in a confidential form using a Google account.

Safeguarding Report

A. This Report is submitted by:

B. Possible abuse or misconduct. Please provide below (or on another page) as much of the following information as possible

C. Suspected perpetrator(s):

D. Victim (if identified):

E. Parents / Guardians - (if the victim is still a minor or equivalent):

F. Eyewitness(es) of the possible abuse or misconduct: (use another sheet, if necessary)

G. Others with direct knowledge of the possible abuse  or misconduct:

