NBSCCCI Guidance on Outcomes of Civil & Preliminary Investigations

Section R9

R9.A | Page 81  | Guidance on the Process for Clerics Following the Conclusion of Any Investigation by the Statutory Authorities

R9.A | Page 84  | Template 1: Example Decree Initiating Preliminary Investigation (Clerics)

R9.B | Page 85  | Guidance on penal processes as outlined in the Vademecum on Certain Points of Procedure in Treating Cases of Sexual Abuse of Minors Committed by Clerics

R9.B | Page 90  | Template 1: Tabular Summary for Cases of Delicta Reservata

R9.C | Page 92  | Guidance on the Process for Non-Ordained Religious, Following the Conclusion of Any Investigation by the Statutory Authorities

R9.C | Page 95  | Template 1: Example Decree Initiating Collecting of Proofs (Non Ordained Religious)

R9.C | Page 96  | Template 2: Example Closing Decree When Collection of Proofs Finds there is No Case to Answer (Non Ordained Religious)

R9.C | Page 97  | Template 3: Example Closing Decree When Collection of Proofs Finds there is a Case to Answer (Non Ordained Religious)

Section R10

R10.A | Page 98  |  Guidance When Preliminary Investigation Finds there is no Case to Answer or that the Allegation is Manifestly False or Frivolous (Return to Ministry)

R10.A | Page 99  |  Template 1: Example Closing Decree When Preliminary Investigation Finds there is No Case to Answer (Clerics)

Section R11

R11.A | Page 100  |  Guidance When Preliminary Investigation Finds there is a Case to Answer and that the Allegation is Not Manifestly False or Frivolous Against a Cleric

R11.A | Page 102  |  Template 1: DDF Form

R11.A | Page 106  |  Template 2: Example Closing Decree When Preliminary Investigation Finds there is a Case to Answer (Clerics)

R11.B | Page 107  |  Guidance on Monitoring of Clerics and Non-Ordained Religious Following the Conclusion of the Canonical Investigation

R11.B | Page 108  |  Template 1: Example Canonical Precept for Monitoring of Clerics Following the Conclusion of the Canonical Investigation

R11.B | Page 109  |  Template 2: Example Canonical Precept for Monitoring of Non Ordained Religious Following the Conclusion of the Canonical Investigation

R11.C | Page 110  |  Guidance on Clinical Risk Assessments

R11.D | Page 111  |  Guidance on Monitoring Clerics and Non-Ordained Religious at the Request of Another Church Authority