LSP-I Safeguarding Coordinator

The following outline is a consolidated description of the functions prescribed in the global, regional and local safeguarding policies of the Prelature in Ireland for the following overlapping roles:

Regional & Deputy Safeguarding Coordinators

A. Prevention, Training & Communication (see LSP-I Sections 1, 5 & 6)B. Response & Management (see LSP-I Sections 2, 3 & 4)C. Auditing & Reporting (see LSP-I Section 7)

A. Prevention, Training & Communication

Policy Management & Communication
Vetting of Candidates
Induction & Training

B. Response & Management

Data Protection

C. Auditing & Reporting

The Deputy Coordinator for Ireland shall prepare annual reports, regarding compliance in Ireland with – 

and submit them to the Regional Vicar, who will then inform the NBSCCCI that he has received these reports.